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Freelancer And 10 Great Benefits

Freelancer And 10 Great Benefits

When the popularity of independent work surged in the early 2000s, the word “freelancing” was coined. Large companies like Google now employ more freelancers than full-time staff members.

For their work, many companies use independent contractors. They occasionally favor hiring virtual assistants over independent contractors, though. Virtual assistants are people who help you with lesser jobs, as the term implies.

What is A freelancer?

A freelancer is a self-employed worker who gets paid on a project-by-project basis. They typically take up temporary assignments.

They take pleasure in the flexibility of working from home. As a result, it helps individuals better balance work and life. An example of a freelancer might be a graphic designer who designs business logos.

Depending on the terms of their contract, freelancers can work either full- or part-time. They typically work for brief periods and are paid on a per-task basis. Stated differently, they are not employed by a company.

These independent contractors begin their work with a signed contract and an agreed-upon remuneration based on the time and effort required to do the job.

Various Freelancer Examples: Web designers and app developers collaborate with a specific business or person to create their website or app.

In addition, journalists work as independent contractors. They choose a story to cover, draft their report, and then sell it to the highest bidder. They proceed to the next client after the project is finished.

Types of Freelancers

Areas of employment that freelancers frequently work in include:

1. Data input

2. Programming software and beta testing

3. Sales and website design

4. Illustration and graphic design

5. PR, marketing, and media

6. Financial assistance, including tax preparation

7. Writing, modifying, and proofreading

8. Filmmaking and photography

9. Gig employment includes manual labor, food delivery, rideshare platform driving, and caregiving.

Qualities and Attributes Required for Freelance Work
Qualities and Attributes Required for Freelance Work

Qualities and Attributes Required for Freelance Work

1. Resilience:

As a freelancer, there’s one word you’ll hear more than any other: no. The key to success is acceptance, thus you must learn to let rejection go.

2. Discipline:

No one is observing you from the corner of their eye, and coworkers aren’t there to pass judgment on you if you want to spend an hour shopping online rather than working. Maintaining focus requires self-control.

3. Communicative:

As a freelancer, you communicate with people all the time. You must possess the courage to engage in difficult discussions, such as settling on a reduced fee or ending a client relationship, and manage them with grace and professionalism. No supervisor or coworker is there to handle the grunt labor for you.

4. Persistence:

As with anything, persistence pays off, but it’s especially crucial when you’re just starting as a freelancer and looking for clients.

5. Organization:

You have a wide range of responsibilities. You are responsible for monitoring your earnings and outgoings, responding to customer communications promptly, adhering to deadlines, organizing your files, and making sure that your workload is optimized.

6. Proactive:

To get new clients, you don’t always need to be gregarious in the conventional sense, but you do need to be a little pushy.

Whether you network in person or virtually, you will need to feel at ease approaching new people if you want your business to expand.

Where Can I Find Freelance Jobs?

In addition to being advertised in various print and online publications, freelance jobs can also be found through networking, word-of-mouth, and referrals.

There are several places to look for freelance work online, including UpWork, LinkedIn, Craigslist, and Fiverr. By definition, freelancers work in a variety of fields, including skilled and creative ones.

They can be found, for example, in the following fields: acting, computer programming, copywriting, journalism, tourism, photography, tutoring, marketing, music, and event planning.

Is Freelancing a Suitable Career?

Many people use freelancing as a “gig” or side work, but some can make it their full-time profession. To work full-time, a freelancer needs to be skilled, motivated, and able to handle erratic cash flows.

Taxes and Freelancers

Freelancers are categorized as self-employed workers by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). A self-employed person does not have their taxes deducted by the firm they work for, in contrast to an employee of a company.

Because the IRS views freelancers as self-employed, they are required to pay FICA taxes as both the employer and the employee. Social Security and Medicare taxes make up FICA taxes. We call this tax requirement the self-employment tax.

Therefore, the freelancer bears complete responsibility for paying income taxes.  Taxes that are estimated must be paid in advance in payments of three. In addition to income tax, freelancers are also required by the IRS to pay self-employment tax.

1. The Self-Employment Tax

As of 2023, the employer’s share of the Social Security tax is 6.2%, while the employee’s share is 6.2%. It is anticipated that both employer and employee rates will remain unchanged in 2024.

Since an independent contractor or freelancer is regarded as both the employer and the employee, their total tax would be 12.4%, or 6.2% + 6.2%.

2. Business Tax Deductions for Expenses

Freelancers can deduct specific company expenses from their taxes. The IRS states that these must be regular and essential costs for running the firm. A freelancer could not deduct a cost if it had nothing to do with conducting business.

Deductions for home office expenses, travel expenses to and from work, client entertainment fees, and the cost of business-related courses or certifications are a few examples of expenses that can be deducted.

Is freelance good for students?

Yes, it’s among the greatest ways to make money. Due to its flexible work schedule feature, one can modify it to avoid conflicting with their study time.

You can use the decent salary from freelancing to help you save money for other obligations, such as college.

How can a freelancer prevent fraud?

You can safeguard yourself. Don’t give any papers or ID evidence to every client. To defraud freelancers, con artists typically get identification and other paperwork.

Use electronic signatures and get everything in writing. Don’t interact with customers who make offers that seem too good to be true.

Freelancer And 10 Great Benefits
Freelancer And 10 Great Benefits

Great Benefits Of Being A Freelancer

An increasing number of people are drawn to working for themselves as opposed to an employer. We discuss some of the common questions about freelancing, such as why it’s so enticing and whether it’s worth the work.

Advantages of Being a Freelancer

1. Infinite Growth in Income

Your income can increase exponentially rather than being constrained by an hourly rate that is fixed and set by someone else.

As you gain experience, you can expand your clientele, change their fees, and add new services to their mix of revenue streams.

2. Freedom

You’ll appreciate selecting the clients you want to work with. As a result, you can deal with a single client or numerous clients at once. Furthermore, you will have the freedom to decide whether you want to work full-time or part-time.

3. In charge

By taking up initiatives they are interested in, they may decide how much work they want to put in. In a similar vein, work is prioritized over side interests like politics that come with having a full-time job.

You won’t need to be concerned about receiving insufficient credit for the work. Your only concern will be to take up a project and give it your all.

Freelancing allows you a great deal of autonomy. You are not limited to a small cubicle and certain hours. You get to work more comfortably and autonomously.

4. Flexibility

One of the main benefits of freelancing is flexibility. Independent contractors decide how they want to work.

Some of them work full-time on the weekdays and part-time on the weekends, or they choose not to work on the weekends to have more free time.

5. Exposure

A freelancer is not tied to a single business. Working on a variety of projects and subjects gives freelancers a lot of exposure.

Employees that work for a corporation internally are not able to develop their other skill sets. However, one can expand their horizons by freelancing.

Working on diverse projects for numerous clients will be an experience. This may result in a very varied portfolio of your work that highlights your abilities and originality.

6. Work From Anywhere With Connectivity

Freelancers don’t need to work in an office setting. Working from home and not having to commute every day is a freedom that many freelancers take pleasure in.

However, you may have more ambitious plans and decide to travel while working as a freelancer. Almost anything can be your store, provided you have access to connectivity.

7. Wide-ranging Networking Possibilities

Networking opportunities with specialists in international industries are available to freelancers. This may result in more lucrative assignments, wider-ranging chances, and beneficial relationships.

8. Obtaining International Jobs

For individuals who do not live in a major metropolis, freelancing has been a major equalizer. Freelancers are not restricted to local prospects; they can also work with firms anywhere in the world.

9. Tax Benefits

The tax system that governs typical employment does not apply to freelancers. When it comes time to meet with your accountant, freelancers can benefit from deductions for business operations and costs, which can add up to significant savings.

10. Enhanced Personal Development and Skill Extension

Having a freelance career allows you to work on a variety of projects and subjects. Internal work for a single organization typically does not provide exposure to different industries and professional domains.

Conversely, freelancing presents chances to expand your professional and skill sets. Instead of being constrained by duties that are predetermined, freelancing gives you the freedom to pursue your interests.

Concentrating on your interests can help you become more skilled at what you enjoy doing while also increasing your level of job satisfaction.

Disadvantages Of Being A Freelancer

1. Payment

The largest drawback of freelancing is payment problems. Getting paid by clients is a difficult task. Numerous independent contractors have fallen victim to deception by clients who fail to pay them once a project is finished.

Getting a customer to pay their invoice usually falls under the purview of a different department when you work as a traditional employee.

Working with clients who refuse to pay you after you’ve finished the job puts you at risk as a freelancer.

Clear contracts and payment schedules are necessary for freelancers to safeguard themselves against clients who either refuse to pay or do not pay on time.

2. Benefits

While employers typically assist their staff, independent contractors typically do not. They have to locate and pay for their insurance because they work for themselves.

The majority of full-time staff members and a few part-timers are eligible for employer-sponsored health benefits.

3. Stability

Finding a consistent job is a difficult task. Projects can begin and then be shelved. The contract therefore expires early. Sometimes it takes longer than anticipated to find new employment. Finding steady clients is difficult.

4. Taxes

Freelancers are accountable for paying their self-employment taxes within the allotted time frames. Even when they receive tax deductions, paying taxes is still necessary.

Therefore, it is best to be knowledgeable about the regulations of self-employment taxes so that one may adjust their rates appropriately.

5. Responsibility

Operating a freelance business is similar to owning one. Thus, acquiring clients, overseeing them, collecting payments, and filing taxes fall under your exclusive purview.

It is the freelancer’s responsibility to choose how much to pay and to purchase the necessary hardware and software. It’s also your job to become knowledgeable about and take care of all those products.

Many commercial issues, like how to track and receive payment, what software to buy, and promotional materials, are left to the freelancer’s discretion.

6. Isolation

Freelancers don’t have a staff working for them like full-timers do. They may feel alone at times, having no one to confide in or seek assistance from. That’s a fairly individualized choice, though, as some people would rather work alone.

7. Unstructured Work-Life Balance

The freedom to work whenever you choose is one benefit of freelancing, but it also means that you don’t need a rigid schedule or other forms of structure to support a healthy work-life balance.

Taking on too much work and burning out is a constant concern. You’ll also discover that to prevent working nonstop, you need a good timetable.

8. Unpredictable Income

One of the inherent risks of freelancing is finding steady work. Projects may start, and then be put on hold. Customers can terminate a contract early. After completing a project, you can have trouble finding another job.

9. Absence of Accessible Mentorship and Guidance

You won’t find the same degree of independence and autonomy in traditional employment as you would in freelancing.

It means you have greater autonomy over your professional choices, but it also means you won’t have a mentor or guide to help you along the way. Finding a self-employed mentor becomes your duty.

10. Unstructured Opportunities for Career Advancement

There are typically career ladders and avenues toward progression available to employees of larger companies.

When you operate as a freelancer, this isn’t always the case. Freelancers must be more deliberate in their pursuit of chances that will propel their careers forward.

It can also be difficult to transition back into typical employment if you have not organized your career in a way that appeals to hiring managers and recruiters.

11. Lending Can Be Difficult

Beyond professional concerns, freelancing has personal repercussions. For instance, people without a steady source of income could find it difficult to get loans from banks.

In a similar vein, renting a home or apartment when self-employed might be challenging because landlords demand documentation of stable employment.

12. Paying for Office Expenses Out of Pocket

Last but not least, as a freelancer, you bear full responsibility for all office-related costs, including those for phones, computers, software, and standard office supplies.

Furthermore, although companies frequently provide chances for personal growth, freelancing does not.


Clients pay freelancers on a job-by-job basis, either for fixed durations or for completing a particular assignment. There are several disadvantages to them not being workers, such as not having access to retirement plans or health insurance from the company.

An additional self-employment tax is also required of them. You are now aware of the benefits and drawbacks of freelancing. It has two sharp edges.

Although freelancing offers you flexibility and freedom of choice, there are no insurance benefits and failure risks. Thus, those seeking a more secure profession with better pay might want to think about working as virtual assistants.


What does freelancer mean?

A freelancer is a person who charges for their services on an as-needed basis. They typically work for brief periods and are paid on a per-task basis.

Stated differently, they are not employed by a company. As a result, they have the freedom to work on multiple projects for numerous clients at once.

How many types of freelance work are there?

For workers who would rather work independently and on a flexible schedule, many companies may provide contract employment. Finding employment from home can be greatly facilitated by freelancing.

What is the biggest drawback of freelancing?

  1. The biggest disadvantage for independent contractors is that they are not compensated for time spent on vacation or illness.
  2. Your earnings will fluctuate.
  3. Working alone from home all day might be isolating.
  4. Not simply the work you are getting paid to accomplish for your client, but the entire business, depends on you.

What is the negative of freelance?

It can be challenging to predict your income and workload month-to-month, particularly in the early phases of your firm.

Budgeting can be challenging when income variations are significant. Additionally, as a freelancer, you do not receive bonuses, honors, or recognition as an employer.

Do freelancers get money?

With a retainer fee model, the client receives continuing, on-demand services while the freelancer receives a steady income.

Certain freelancers charge their clients by the word or by the page, such as writers and editors. A part of the money made by the freelancer’s labor is paid to them by the customer under a commission arrangement.

Imran Lawan

I am a professional researcher whose focus is around engaging and knowledgeable information for students.

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